
Bowling Simulator

Design: Maciej Mackowiak & Will Guest

The bowling simulator demonstrates how physics and momentum calculations can be used to give a realistic feeling of tenpin bowling.

This experience also features a multilingual room selector, connecting up to five other people. The connections are peer-to-peer, so all game data are passed directly from one browser to another.

There’s also a media centre, to give your session a soundtrack.

The studio flat is an impressive demonstration of the immersion and realism that can be achived through careful design and optimisation.

This environment is built from the same Blender model that guided the design and renovation of the physical twin and is still evolving.

New features are under development include hand tracking, on-chain cupboard storage and video integration with the virtual projector.

Studio Flat

Design: Dag Larsson

Pool Hall

Design: Maciej Mackowiak

This experience demonstates how the ExeuδVR framework can be used for two handed interaction design, like a pool cue. The rack contains cues of different weights and power. The balls are competition weight and size.
This experience also explored peer-to-peer physics determinism. Lots of balls means lots of collisions and we wanted to know if the layout is the same in every browser after every shot. The results are… yet to be determined.
We added some music here too, and a dartboard for testing out lightweight projectiles and sticky surfaces.

New experiences coming soon...

Several other canisters are either under construction or are in the queue for publication, including:

  • Jedi baseball trainer
  • Skyboarding
  • Pattaya Metaverse
  • Rooftop Gallery